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BootieCool Sunburn Calculator with Alarm Clock

1. click the UV-index value (1-11)
2. choose your skin type
3. fill in the sun protection factor of your sunscreen
4. when it’s cloudy, click the cloud button
5. when you’re in the mountains, click the mountain button
6. click the result button to calculate
7. click the clock button on the result screen to set the alarm

Look for the UV-index at your place right now. Remember this index changes every day, throughout the day. You can find the current UV reading for North Scottsdale, AZ on BootieWeather’s home page under “Current Conditions”. It’s the last item listed and is just above the “5 Day Forecast”. The value updates every three minutes. Refresh your screen.


If are trying to get a tan and want to see during what time period of the day the sun’s UV rays are the strongest you can see a graph of the day’s UV readings at BootieWeather by clicking on the “BootieWeather Historic Data on WeatherUnderground” link located toward the bottom of the links on the left side of the home page. Click on the link to see when the sun’s rays are the strongest so you can, depending on your objective, either pick that time period to maximize your tanning time, or take precautions during that period to avoid the sun.


If you don’t live in North Scottsdale you can find real time UV reading anywhere in the country by going to the “UV Forecast” link under the Health Maps heading on the left side of BootieWeather’s home page. Select your State. A list of PWS (Private Weather Stations) in that State will pop up. Select the one closest to you to view the UV rating at station in real time. Plug that value into the calculator. BootieCool!


Type Sunburn Tan Characteristics
 I always never pale skin, freckles, blond or red hair, blue or green eyes
 II usually sometimes white skin, blond hair, blue or green eyes
 III seldom usually white skin, usually dark hair and brown eyes
 IV-VI never always brown to dark skin, brown or black hair, brown eyes



The formulas in the calculator are based on information provided by the WHO and other sources. BootieWeather.com cannot be held responsible for any consequence that may result from the use of the above mentioned UV-calculator.

Use your common sense when exposing yourself to the sun and listen to your doctor’s advice when it comes to sun care and safe sun tanning time. To use the UV-calculator, you need to know your skin type. Basically a low number means a higher risk of skin damage. Consult the above table if you don’t know what skin type you have. If you’re not sure, rather underestimate your skin type. For example, you’re not sure whether you really are a type 3, then choose type 2. And ask your doctor the next time you visit him.